Cygnus X1 by Attila
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Project log: Here

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Every now and then someone smashes through barriers and pushes through boundaries in a particular area of this hobby/profession and sends shockwaves not just through our community, but far beyond too.
Such a thing happened in 2009 when someone called Attila Lukacs finished a project called Cygnus X1. The craftmanship, skill and sheer gorgeousness of the project were like nothing we'd seen before. It was likened to numerous things - a PC mixed with exquisite furniture, a work of art or something you'd expect to see in the White House or Buckingham Palace.
Whatever you're opinion, Cygnus X1 deserved its
Mod of the Year win and will now rest in eternal glory in
Mod Gods.
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over the page to see more of Attila's fantastic work.
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